How to Register the Application Account

14-5-28 下午4:02 作者:Administor 【

1. Register for an account when you use the online application system for the first time. Provide a valid email address and a username. Your account will be identified as the username in future. Write down your user name and password for future reference.

2. After a successful registration, an account activation link will be sent to your valid email. Please activate your account by clicking the link.

3. For individual application, you can create an individual account and complete your application step by step

4. For group application, you can create an individual account first, and then Email the Overseas Admission Office for group account. We will enable your account the function of group application, after receiving your email.

For any further enquiry, please contact the International Admission Office of Zhengzhou University at E-mail:, Tel:0086-371-67780665.